Job Postings Job postings must include:.Memes on Meme Monday Posts flaired with Meme Monday that are not posted on a Monday will be removed.No Ranting We're sorry to hear Resolve's not working for you, but unless you're asking for help, "I'm leaving Resolve" or rants about problems will be removed.If your post is answered by something in the subreddit wiki or the week's FAQ Friday, it will be removed.

If your post is about what hardware to buy, it belongs in the megathread. Check the Megathreads, FAQ Fridays, and Wiki Before Posting Hardware questions must be posted in the hardware megathread.Posts Must be Related to DaVinci Resolve or Fusion Posts unrelated to features or functions in Resolve and/or Fusion will be removed and you'll be redirected to other resources.Clickbait and misrepresenting your tutorial's content will result in post removal. Tutorials Must Include the End Result When posting tutorials, accurate representations of the tutorial's end goal are required.Your post may be removed if you do not provide this information. When asking for feedback, please provide a screenshot of the timeline and/or node graph. Provide Background When asking for help, please answer AutoMod's questions about your system, Resolve version, and media.Soliciting purchases will also be removed. Posts selling LUTs, services, licenses, hardware, plugins, etc. No Selling/Soliciting This sub is not a marketplace and is not equipped to be one.Any content other than tutorials must be your original content. Content theft will also result in post removal and bans. Offering pirated or cracked versions of the above will result in an immediate ban.